This Biomass co-generation plant is designed to use as a fuel, a mixture of straw and chicken manure from a group of poultry/ chicken farms located in one single site, in the north-eastern part of Romania.
Electrical output of 3MW plus a minimum thermal power of 3.9MW.
The technological process used is gasification of straw and chicken manure mixture.
As per the already signed agreement, the chicken farms undertakes to deliver the biomass for free and buy the electricity at a fix price.
Additionally, the project developer / investor will benefit from 3 green certificates per MW - offered as state incentive scheme for renewable energy projects.
Those are the main elements that make the project very attractive for an active investor looking to invest in the biomass energy project in Romania.
The investment value is about Eur 7,5 mio+VAT
The expected return on investment is max 5 years from the completion, which is expected to happen in about 6 months from the signing date.
The investor can either choose to use the projected technology – based on gasification – which is a very performing one to be imported from a European supplier, or can change the technology using its own technology.
Interested parties are encouraged to contact us for more details.