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Home 430 domestic foreign agri food companies at INDAGRA



430 domestic, foreign agri-food companies at INDAGRA

The biggest agriculture industry fair opened its doors Wednesday, in the presence of EU Commissioner Dacian Ciolos and PM Victor Ponta.


Romania can find in the new common agricultural policy (CAP) all the elements it needs to consider the specific character of its agriculture and have the place it deserves in the European farming and food system, said European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Dacian Ciolos on Wednesday at 18th INDAGRA international agricultural produce and equipment exhibition opening.

‘Even if INDAGRA is a symbol of the harvest, I should say that, this year, it comes at a time when the means of supporting agriculture, of stimulating investments with European funds brings us new support schemes in sowing and planting, a new PNDR (the National Programme of Rural Development), a new support system from direct payments, which will be the reform of the CAP and which was my main aim. I think that Romania can find in the new common agricultural policy all the elements it needs to consider the specific character of its agriculture and have the place it deserves in the European farming and food system without any reference to what other member states can do and Romania cannot,’ said Ciolos.

He made it clear that the new CAP payment system will make it possible for Romania not only to keep them per hectare till 2020, as Romanian farmers wanted. Moreover, there is the possibility to modulate direct payments for a number of categories of farms, in parallel with the payment per hectare. Ciolos underlined that by the end of his mandate he intended to suggest another policy of promoting the farming and food system on the foreign market, for the Romanian farming and food system included, which has a huge potential on the foreign market.

This 18th INDAGRA fair will bring together more than 430 companies from Romania, but also from another 20 foreign countries. It will cover an area of over 30,000 square metres. This year’s edition will also see the most numerous animals, about 350 heads.

Romania has begun building itself an organic products brand that is extremely appreciated worldwide, Prime Minister Victor Ponta said on attending the opening of INDAGRA.



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